Sunday, March 25, 2012

2011 In Review

 Our Beautiful Girls
 Family Skate Night at Classic
 Easter Egg Time

 Easter Morning
 Crazy Hair Day
 Happy 10th Birthday Bubba
 Happy 37th Birthday D
 Happy 3rd Birthday Libby

 Wake Boarding

 Happy 7th Birthday Brookles
 Emergency Room Visit (Libby had a seizure)
 D and I started hiking in the mountains near our home.
 Bubba has turned into quite the little golfer.
 Silly Little Libby
 Shooting the gun with Daddy

 Libby fell asleep on the couch holding Buzz while watching Toy Story
 So there are never any pics of me on my blog so I threw this one in to 
prove that I am really part of this family.
 Supercross 2011 Rice Eccles Stadium
 Halloween 2011 Libby was a pink princess
 First Day of School
Bubba is in 5th Grade
Brookles is in 1st Grade
 Libby's First Haircut
*Note: This was an unplanned haircut that never would have happened if Brooklyn had not chopped off one side of Libby's hair.  Libby was not very good and the poor girl had a tough time getting the job done.
 All of her beautiful curls are gone.  And yes, we had to cut that much off just to get it even all the way around.
 Short hair was quite an adjustment.  It made her look so different.
 Brooklyn is growing up way too fast!
 Sleepy girl.
 Halloween 2011
Brooklyn was Princess Leia
 Bubba was Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon

 I love it when kids sleep like this.
Bubba won 1st place in 3D Art Grades 3-5
 Brooklyn won 1st place in 3D Art Grades K-2
 All of the following pictures were taken by the amazing Allison at Bear Lake in October.


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