Saturday, July 5, 2008

Now That Is One Great Picture!

First of all I have to say thanks to Derrek's sister, Allison for taking such a great picture. I just don't know what we would do without such a great photographer in the family! This picture was taken for Brooklyn's 3rd birthday. It is hard to believe that my little girl is that old. I keep telling D that they are just growing up way too fast and that he had better get the shotgun ready because we are gonna be in trouble when this one gets older. If Jennika is the "tomboy" of the family then Brooklyn is the "girly-girl". She loves playing dress up and following her big sister around. She loves to sing and dance and is quite the little snuggle-bug. She loves both of her sisters and would fight to the death for either of them if the need arose. If someone is being mean to her sister, you can count on Brookles to take care of the situation. She may look all sweet and tender on the outside, but she is made of some pretty tough stuff on the inside!

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