Friday, October 31, 2008

Houston, we have a thumb sucker!

Well, it is official. Libby loves to suck her thumb. I think that it is pretty dang cute. Sometimes she sucks so hard that she pulls half her hand into her mouth. We are not too worried about this new development especially since she will still take a binky.

So, you can't tell too much by these two pictures but Libby is having some issues with her neck and head. We have an appointment at Primary Children's next week to have her looked at. They call it Torticollis. ( I don't think that I spelled that right but I am sure you get the idea, just sound it out.) Basically what happens is the muscles and such on one side of the neck tighten up or are too short. This causes her to always put her head to one side which then causes her head to become misshapen. Hopefully we can get this taken care of with therapy and not have to put her in a helmet. Even worse than a helmet is surgery if the tendons and such in her neck are too bad. Wish us luck next week.

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